
Website content: $1.50 per word will be charged for every order.  (e.g. a blog post of 500 words will average to a fee of $750.00

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It’s interesting to listen to the different viewpoints of people from very diverse backgrounds and cultures.  Some women like to stay in the role of nurturer and agree with the idea that they should be spoiled and taken care of.  You will read how two women born in the same country have completely different views on gender roles and norms.  Dealing with the burden of finances is something some women want the man to take on. They run towards the opportunity to commit to a man for financial freedom.  They truly believe that this is something the man of the household should take care of, not because they are brats but this is something they were taught at a young age. They love the role of being mothers, cooks, and caretakers.  I have met many people who take pride in that title. Some women, however, feel insulted when men feel the need to financially overpower them or provide for them instead of the women providing for herself. Such women are taught to take care of themselves and to work two jobs before depending on another man. 


Logo Design: $75.00 per logo (e.g. an order of two logos will average to $150.00)

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Illustration: starts at a minimum rate of $800

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I had a best friend this whole time_ (1).jpg sample.jpg

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